Desimal dan Persentase dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Makna dan Contoh Soalnya

Istilah-istilah matematika pada desimal dan persentase dalam bahasa Inggris beserta maknanya.

3/5 kali 30

  • Decimal = desimal
  • Decimal system = sistem desimal
  • Decimal point = titik desimal
  • Rational number = bilangan rasional
  • Decimal number = bilangan desimal
  • Decimal form = bentuk desimal
  • One point two = satu koma dua (1,2)
  • Adding and subtracting decimal number = penjumlahan dan pengurangan bilangan desimal
  • Multiplying and dividing decimal number = perkalian dan pembagian bilangan desimal
  • Terminating decimal = desimal dengan angka yang berakhir
  • Recurring decimal = desimal dengan angka yang berulang
  • Decimal approximation = aproksimasi desimal
  • Percent = persen
  • Percentage = persentase

Baca juga: Sudut, Garis, dan, Keparalelan dalam Bahasa Inggris

Contoh soal:

1. Mang Ketut is a seller of motorcycle. He bought a secondhand motorcyle that costs Rp8.000.000. Then, he fixed it that spends Rp230.000. After that, he sold it Rp9.250.000. The profit percentage that was gotten by Mang Ketut is ....


$\text{Buying cost}=8.000.000$

$\text{Saving cost}=230.000$

$\text{Total of buying cost}=8.000.000+230.000=8.230.000$

$\text{Selling cost} = 9.250.000$

$\text{Profit cost}= 9.250.000-8.230.000=1.020.000$

$\text{Profit percentage}$

$=\frac{\text{profit cost}}{\text{total of buying cost}}\times 100\%$

$=\frac{1.020.000}{8.230.000}\times 100\%$

$=\frac{10.200}{8.230}\times 100\%$


2. If $x$ can be expressed as $\frac{3}{5}$ of $30$ and $y$ can be expressed as $36\%$ of $50$, then the true relationship between $x$ and $y$ is ....

a. $x<y$

b. $x=y$

c. $x>y$

d. $x=3y$

e. $x=5y$









So, $x=y$


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